Our Strategy

Mission and Strategic Plan

The Royal Society of Victoria is at an inflexion point, transitioning from an institution soley concerned with promoting the role of science in society, into an active group of individuals, aligned organisations and like-minded community groups helping Victorians and Australians tackle the major issues of our time through the translation of scientific expertise into actions and technologies that meaningfully inform the sociopolitical currents of our State.

Our Strategic Plan

The RSV's strategy sets out our key agendas and plans that will help us deliver on our mission: to elevate Victoria’s scientific leadership capability and purposefully contribute to the positive transformation of our global civilisation in the 21st century.

The strategic settings for 2023-27 require (and have received) endorsement by the RSV’s governing Council, while the initiatives under each strategic action are expected to evolve over the five year period.

The RSV's "Strategy on a Page"

Defining our mission

Over the course of 2015 and 2016, the Royal Society of Victoria embarked on a process to define its mission, role and purpose in a 21st century Victoria. Building on a proud tradition stretching back more than 160 years, we evaluated the needs of our contemporary science community, the status of science and science education in our State, and the rich legacy of the sciences in the story of Victoria.

Following a long process of consultation surveys, members’ forums, committee meetings and deliberations, we presented “Concord & Progress: A Strategy for the Royal Society of Victoria,” setting out the high-level aspirations to inform our cyclic strategic and operational planning and guide priorities for development and growth. The document is available below.

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