Science Victoria Magazine
As a part of the Inspiring Victoria program, the Royal Society of Victoria publishes a regular magazine to keep Victoria’s science community up to speed with activities, opportunities, issues and new developments.
What we're covering
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We’re always on the lookout for articles, letters and news from Victoria’s science community. If you would like to write for Science Victoria, please check out our Guidelines for Authors.
Learning and applying scientific concepts isn’t confined to a high school class or a capital city – there are opportunities to engage with STEMM fields right across our state. This month, we look at the education, engagement, and application of STEMM in Victoria. Also in this edition, we celebrate National Science Week 2024 (10 - 18 August), and showcase some of the events on offer in-person and online.
Victoria is home to more than a thousand native animal species, but as at June 2023, 378 of these are under threat of extinction (FFG Act Threatened List, June 2023). As with our unique flora, the pressures from climate change risk this number rising unless we act. In this edition, we look at the value of and threats to our native animals.
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