Securing the Future of the Gippsland Lakes – Report from the Royal Society of Victoria’s Roundtable (2024)
This report and its recommendations from the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV) were released in the context of the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority's renewal of the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site Management Plan, which aims to revisit and reestablish a framework for the maintenance of the Lakes' unique ecological characteristics through "the promotion of conservation and wise, sustainable use."
The Royal Society of Victoria’s Official Position on Climate Change
This statement provides a brief summary of climate change and the role of human action in causing this change, with a particular focus on Australia.
The paper was developed following the release of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report in 2021. It was circulated for review and consideration by the Royal Society of Victoria’s membership in August 2022 as notice of the Society’s intention to endorse this AMOS Position Statement as the Society’s Official Position. In line with the Society’s Rules and By-Laws, this was adopted as the Society’s Official Position by the Society’s governing Council in September 2022. This paper supersedes the Society’s earlier positions on this matter.
Towards Conservation & Recovery of Victoria’s Biodiversity – Report for Changemakers
This report and position paper from the Royal Society of Victoria (RSV) is released in the context of a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework negotiated under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Finkel Review into the Future National Electricity Market
The urgency of dealing with energy supply issues in the face of human-induced climate change has now been recognised by virtually all other countries.
Climate Research and Application is Big Business
The recent announcement by CSIRO of a plan to substantially reduce its research into Australia’s climateand its future prognosis is puzzling, and cause for concern.
Help Nature Adapt to a Changing Climate
From the mountains to the deserts, the forests to the sea, many, many people are doing fantastic work to protect and restore Australia’s natural diversity: in community groups, agencies and NGOs, on public land and on their own property.
Action Needed to Ensure the Recovery of the Leadbeaters Possum
In light of the recent re-classification of the Leadbeater’s Possum as “critically endangered,” the Royal Society of Victoria wishes to make clear its position.
Protecting the Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site
Beaumaris has produced the only fossil evidence in Australia of several marine animal groups, including whales, seals, sea turtles, and seabirds. By also yielding rare remains of land mammals, the site is pivotal to calibrating the timescale for the evolution of Australia’s unique marsupial fauna.
Cattle Grazing in the Wonnangatta Valley
The Society remains strongly opposed to the grazing of cattle in designated National Parks because there will be likely adverse impacts on an area of National Heritage.
Statement on National Science Policy
The Royal Society of Victoria urges the Federal Government to reinstate funding for science and technology and to develop a clear strategy for the future. A dedicated Ministry for Science and Technology would provide a focus and voice for such an approach.