April 2024 - The Four Planetary Crises


Climate Change. Loss of Biodiversity and Extinction. Pollution. The Rise of Misinformation. In this edition, we focus on these four human-driven crises that currently threaten life on Earth, and what needs to be done to meaningfully address them.

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Read other editions
June 2021 - Science Beyond the Lab

From field work in your backyard to fight extinction, to a journey to the Moon and beyond, the June 2021 edition takes us to Science Beyond the Lab!

September 2023 - Victoria’s Flora

Victoria is home to tens of thousands of native plant species, but as at June 2023, 1,618 of these are under threat of extinction in our state (FFG Act Threatened List, June 2023). As the impacts of climate change are increasingly felt, there is a risk that this number will rise unless we act. In this edition, we look at the value of our flora, how we can support ecosystems in a changing climate, and whether the European model of seasons is unsuited to our part of the world.